Super Bowl vs. Bridgewater, 11.11.12 — We Are The Champions!!!

Article soon!


Playoffs vs. Barnstable, 11.3.12

by Sarah Flaherty

Fourth Grade Raiders defeat Barnstable 20-0

In Sunday’s post-season semi-final playoff game, the 4th grade Raiders had their best performance to date, exploding early in the game and maintaining momentum throughout as they played the Barnstable Silver Bullets. Hingham started on offense and on its second play of the game scored its first touchdown with a 60 yard run by Cam Reagan. Barnstable dug in on defense and denied the 2-point conversion. Barnstable answered with an impressive charge of its own but it was Reagan again who made a key tackle to stop a touchdown run by the Bullets.  Superb Hingham defense was again on display with cornerback Ian McCarron stripping Barnstable’s ball and with Reagan recovering the fumble.

Hingham took the ball at Barnstable’s 41 yard line and began a dramatic march for its second touchdown. The offensive line supported the runs with some great blocking by Michael Rizzo, Ryan Devine, John O’Connor, Reid Roberts, Will Griffin and Macdara Flaherty. The effort started with fullback Liam Collins making a key conversion after breaking three tackles with a run up the left. Quarterback Nick Johannes completed a pass to Ari Kraan to advance the ball to Barnstable’s 23 yard line. Johannes than ran the ball up the middle for a first down. A couple plays later Hingham was within inches of a first down when Hingham was denied and Barnstable took over on downs at their own 11 yard line.

After the kick off, Hingham was back on defense. But bruising tackles made by linebackers Kraan, Charlie Crean, and John O’Connor, and cornerbacks Cooper Estes and McCarron kept the Bullets holstered. Then at 4th and 16 Barnstable set up to punt. Noseguard Reid Roberts tackled the punter before he got the ball off, forcing a turnover on downs at Barnstable’s 5 yard line.  Reagan ran it into the end zone on the next play but a flag brought the ball back to the 15 yard line. With 1 minute left in the half, quarterback Reagan threw to tightend McCarron in the end zone to finally seal the second touchdown of the game. Once again, Barnstable denied the extra points and the score stood at 12-0 as the half ended.

The third quarter began with even more aggressive play by Hingham as Collins sacked Barnstable’s quarterback forcing a fumble that was recovered by Crean and advanced the ball to the Barnstable’s 26 yard line. At 3rd and 10 Kraan made a run up the side for a  1st down and Reagan followed this with another run up the right side into the end zone. Johannes ran it up the gut for the extra 2-points and the score climbed to 20-0.

Kraan kicked off to Barnstable’s 25 yard line and then tackled the receiver at the 30. Hingham’s defensive line of Nolan Heggie, Roberts, Devine and O’Connor dug in and forced a turnover on downs at Barnstable’s 29 yard line as the third quarter ended.  Despite their lead, Hingham’s defense held tough with punishing tackles served up by linebackers Macdara Flaherty, Drew Kenn, and Jack Donohue and cornerback Connor Patten.

Next week the Raiders play Bridgewater for the 4th grade Superbowl.

Varsity vs. Silver Lake, 10.28.12

Article soon!

JV vs. Middleboro, 10.27.12

Article soon!


Varsity vs. SciCoh, 10.21.12

by Sarah Flaherty

4th Grade Varsity Raiders Top SciCoh 16-0

The Hingham Raiders 4th Grade Varsity defeated the SciCoh Sharks 16-0 with four quarters of solid play on both sides of the ball. The Raiders scored on their second offensive charge when a 25-yard run by Ari Kraan was followed up by two impressive runs by Cam Reagan. Kraan grabbed the two-point conversion with a run up the gut. Great blocking by the offensive line of Ryan Devine, John O’Connor, Michael Rizzo, Will Griffin, Macdara Flaherty, Ian McCarron, Reid Roberts, and Charlie Crean, tied up ScCoh and created the opportunities to run the ball.

On defense Hingham was equally strong, containing SciCoh outside the Raider’s 40-yard line for the entire game.  Defensive players Cooper Estes, Kraan, O’Connor, Devine, McCarron, and Roberts made key tackles to force turnovers on downs. SciCoh fumbles were recovered by defensive linemen Flaherty and Liam Collins and linebacker Charlie Crean. Punishing defensive work was also on display by Nolan Heggie, Grant Vanzura, Jack Donahue, Dominic Balonis and Drew Kenn during the 4th quarter.

With 3 minutes on the clock in the fourth quarter, three successive penalties had backed the Raiders into their own territory.  A SciCoh tackle in the backfield put the Raiders at 3rd and 20 when running back Reagan broke two tackles to make a 62 yard run into the end zone for Hingham’s second touchdown. Reagan then threw to tight end McCarron for the 2-point conversion. Next week the Raiders play Silver Lake.


JV vs. SciCoh, 10.20.12

by Sarah Flaherty

4th Grade Junior Varsity Raiders Top SciCoh 22-0

On Saturday morning the Hingham Raiders 4th Grade Junior Varsity topped the SciCoh Sharks 22-0 with a dazzling display of sacks, blocks and punishing gang tackles. The defensive line of Griffin Cusack,  Robbie Driscoll, Jacob Nolan, Luca Milano, Brian Shannon, Nick Johannes, and Macdara Flaherty was so effective that the entire game was played inside SciCoh’s territory.

The Raiders scored on their first offensive charge when full-back Liam “The Bus” Collins found a hole, broke a tackle and made a 44-yard run into the end zone. “The Bus” was given the ball on a wedge play and secured the 2-point conversion.  During the first half the Raider’s defense was successful in preventing any offensive momentum.  Key tackles were made by many defensive backs and Jack Donohue, Cooper Estes, Connor Patten, Dominic Balonis, Drew Kenn, Jake Steele and Tommy Wilk were all involved in gang tackles.

On Hingham’s third offensive drive wingback Grant Vanzura broke two tackles to make a 21-yard run into the end zone. During the next offensive series, Cooper Estes found an opening and weaved his way up the middle for the third touchdown. Once again, Collins plowed into the end zone for the 2-point conversion, dragging half the Shark’s defensive line with him. Offensive players Ethan Gordon, Connor Stanley and Charlie Noering showed solid execution and great blocking out of the backfield.

The second half showed continued steady play by the Raiders, which provided an offensive opportunity for left tackle Griffin Cusack, tight end Max Johnson, right guard Connor Patten and right tackle Jacob Nolan to run the ball.  Both teams turned the ball over on downs and the score held at 22-0. Coach Sean Reagan praised the team’s execution, “That was a super job today both offensively and defensively. We dominated the line of scrimmage and the backs did a great job securing the ball.” Next week the Raiders JV takes on Middleboro.

Varsity vs. Bridgewater, 10.13.12

by Sarah Flaherty

4th Grade Varsity Raiders Top Bridgewater 6-0

The Hingham Raiders 4th Grade Varsity prevailed with a 6-0 win over the Bridgewater Badgers in a close game.  Hingham dominated on both offense and defense displaying a model game of teamwork and grit.  A bruised Ari Kraan put in a marquis performance playing both ways and seemingly in on most key plays of the game.

Hingham’s first offensive charge featured a series of successful conversions when quarterback Nick Johannes handed off to Cam Reagan for a 36 yard run into the end zone. The touchdown was made possible by sustained blocks by the offensive line. The team was equally strong on defense with several tackles hosted by the lineup of Charlie Crean, Michael Rizzo, Ari Kraan, Nolan Heggie, Macdara Flaherty, Ian McCarron and Will Griffin.

The Badgers mounted a surge in the 3rd quarter with two successive conversions. As the Badgers moved deeper into Hingham territory defensive linemen Heggie, Griffin and Flaherty stuffed the Badger’s play. A key tackle by corner back McCarron further stalled the charge and was followed up by Kraan’s sack to force a turnover on downs as the clock ran out on the 3rd quarter. Hingham’s defense had shut down the Badger’s strongest charge of the game.

The 4th quarter was controlled by the Hingham’s offensive line of Liam Collins, Cam Reagan, Ryan Devine, Ari Kraan, John O’Connor and Jake Steele.  Running backs Kraan and Reagan both made impressive 15 yard runs, with Kraan straight arming an unsuspecting Badger’s linebacker for a 1st down conversion.   A fourth down punt was recovered by center Devine, buying Hingham another set of downs. When the Badgers finally regained the ball, Hingham’s defense pushed them even further into Bridegwater territory. Corner back Crean made a key tackle on 4th down to bring the ball back to Hingham for the final seconds of the game. Next week the Raiders play Scituate.

JV vs. Marshfield, 10.12.12

by Mark Devine

4th Grade JV Raiders Defeat Marshfield 12-0

On the early Saturday JV game, the Hingham Raiders put together one of their best performances of the season against a tough Marshfield squad. Hingham’s dominating defense never allowed Marshfield to gain any momentum. The defensive line of Dominic Balonis, Griffin Cusack, Jacob Nolan, Max Johnson and Drew Kenn set the tone for an impressive 12-0 victory.

On the second position of the day, Charlie Noering ran on two consecutive plays: one for 25 yards and a first down, and a highlight-reel 15-yard run for the first Raiders touchdown. On Marshfield’s next offensive play, the Rams fumbled and Luca Milano recovered to give Hingham back the ball. The Rams gave the Raiders a scare on their next possession when the running back broke some tackles and ran for a 30 yard gain. Drew Kenn and Robbie Driscoll made an incredible joint tackle to prevent the Ram’s score. The next 4 plays were all Raiders when standouts Driscoll, Johnson, Balonis and Milano prevented the Rams from gaining another inch. The half concluded when Jake Steele intercepted a deep Rams pass.

The defense didn’t let up in the second half. Cooper Estes sacked the quarterback for a 5 yard loss and then made an impressive interception to get the Raiders back on offense. The Raiders wasted little time and continued to run the ball with success. Noering carried multiple times for a Hingham first down. Then on the play of the game, Hingham fumbled the handoff, but an alert Kenn picked up the ball and ran for 55 impressive yards to give the Raiders a 12-0 lead.

The defense that was already strong got even better when standout playmakers Cusack, Driscoll, Tommy Wilk, and Connor Stanley made sure the Rams got no additional yardage for the rest of the game. The final 8 offensive plays for Marshfield had the Raiders defense giving up no yards.

With this game the Raiders improve their record to 4-1. The JV team was dominating on defense, giving up only two first downs the entire game, recovering a fumble and two interceptions. The offense was also impressive with Quarterback Ethan Gordon leading the offensive unit and Liam “the Bus” Collins providing key blocks from the fullback position. Jacob Nolan, Luca Milano, Brian Shannon, Jack Donahue, Jake Steele, Connor Pattern and Griffin Cusack created many offensive opportunities with impressive execution of their blocking assignments.

Varsity vs. Raynham, 10.7.12

by Sarah Flaherty

Hingham 4th Grade Raiders Defeated by Raynham Giants 28-0

The 4th grade Hingham Raiders faced a very solid Raynham Giants team and lost 28-0. The first quarter showed flawless execution by Raynham, with the Giants recovering their first two kickoffs followed by successful plays and two successive touchdowns. The Raiders were down 14-0 before they even touched the ball on offense.  By the second quarter, Hingham began to find their game and played some outstanding red zone defense. Noseguards Reid Roberts and Ryan Devine were relentless and corner backs Ian McCarron and Cam Reagan made key tackles.  Raynham continued their momentum in the third quarter with a 20 yard pass from midfield received over the shoulder by a wingback who never broke stride on his way to the endzone. Hingham’s defensive line piled on to deny the 2-point conversion. The rest of the half was back and forth with Raynham fumbles recovered by linebackers John O’Connor and Luca Milano, cornerback Nick Johannes and nose guard Ryan Devine. Bruising tackles were served up by defensive ends Drew Kenn, Macdara Flaherty and Liam Collins, linebackers Jake Steele and Jack Donohue, corner back Conor Patten, and safety Grant Vanzura to force several turnovers on downs.  An offensive highlight for Hingham came late in the 4th quarter with a beautiful 15 yard pass from QB Johannes to tight end Cooper Estes who made a great catch between two Raynham defenders. The Raiders had advanced to the Raynham 20 yard line when the clock ran out.


JV vs. Raynham, 10.6.12

Article coming soon!


Varsity vs. Marshfield, 9.30.12


by Sarah Flaherty

Hingham 4th Grade Raiders Defeat Marshfield Rams 6-0

The Hingham 4th grade Raiders were fired up to play football on Sunday September 30, defeating the Marshfield Rams 6-0. The first quarter got off to a rocky start with both teams adjusting to the wet conditions. On Marshfield’s first drive they worked the ball down to Hingham’s 10 yard line but the Raiders defensive front of Charlie Crean, Ari Kraan, Cam Reagan, Nolan Heggie, John O’Connor, Will Griffin, Reid Roberts, Ryan Devine, Ian McCarron, Grant Vanzura, Michael Rizzo and Liam Collins shut down the charge. Defensive end, Ari Kraan recovered a fumble on a 3rd down run to bring the ball back to the Raiders.

Hingham’s offensive line found its stride in the second quarter, working their way back from deep in Hingham territory. Solid offensive blocking created the space for running back Cam Reagan to work the sidelines and fullback Ari Kraan to run it up the middle for a succession of conversions. Marshfield’s defense dug in inside their 10 yard line. With 4th down and inches to go, Hingham’s offensive surge allowed Kraan to score the game’s only TD.

Soggy conditions did not dampen the spirits of the Raiders cheerleading squad who took the field for the half-time show featuring, “Show How You Do It.” The third quarter was marked by fumbles and penalties on both sides as the drizzle resumed. But defense contained the damage with key tackles by defensive tackle Nolan Heggie, nose guard Reid Roberts, and linebacker John O’Connor.

In the 4th quarter Hingham’s defense stayed tough with great tackles by safety Grant Vanzura, defensive tackle Ryan Devine and corner back Ian McCarron stopping Marshfield’s advance at Hingham’s 12 yard line. On 4th and goal, Hingham’s Cam Reagan shot in from his cornerback position to make a solo tackle and end Marshfield’s threat.



JV vs. Duxbury, 9.29.12

Article on the game soon to follow!

Varsity vs. Barnstable, 9.22.12

by Sarah Flaherty

Hingham’s 4th Grade Ties Barnstable 0-0:

The 0-0 score of Sunday’s fourth grade varsity game against the Barnstable Silver Bullets belied a most exciting battle with both teams coming within their 10 yard line, only to be denied. Hingham’s final drive in the game’s last four minutes was an impressive 94 yard march with surgical precision to Barnstable’s doorstep. Marked by man-style blocking, the offensive line of John O’Connor, Mike Rizzo, Macdara Flaherty, Ryan Devine, Ian McCarron, Reid Roberts, Nolan Heggie and Cooper Estes created the holes for several sweeps by RB Cam Reagan and wedge carries by fullback Ari Kraan.  On Barnstable’s final offensive play, Reagan intercepted a pass and ran it all the way back to Hingham’s 2 yard line when time ran out. Assistant Coach Rick Johannes summed it up, “Barnstable was inside our 10 and we stuffed them. All we need is 4 quarters of that instead of 4 minutes.”

The first half of the game was a defensive battle waged between the teams’ 35 yard lines. Most of the drives ended with turnovers on downs. Great tackling by John O’Connor, Cam Reagan, Ari Kraan, Will Griffin, Michael Rizzo, Reid Roberts and Nick Johannes contained Barnstable’s offensive line. In the second half, Barnstable’s offense stepped it up and began a steady march that would take them to Hingham’s 6 yard line. A fumbled ball at the 6 yard was recovered by defensive end Kraan to set up Hingham’s final offensive counter attack.

On the Hingham lineup for both offense and defense were Charlie Crean, Nolan Heggie, Macdara Flaherty, Jack Donohue, Ryan Devine, John O’Connor, Reid Roberts, Cooper Estes, Dominic Balonis, Cam Reagan, Michael Rizzo, Liam Collins, Ari Kraan, Ian McCarron, Nick Johannes, Drew Kenn, Will Griffin and Connor Stanley.

After the game Coach Sean Reagan told the team, “That last march was incredibly impressive and we outworked Barnstable. But we still have a lot of work to do offensively. Defensively we played great but offensively we need to be more consistent.” Next week the Hingham Raiders face Marshfield at HHS.

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JV vs. Barnstable, 9.16.12

by Sarah Flaherty

Hingham Raiders JV scores a 28-6 win over Barnstable:

On Saturday, the 4th grade Hingham Raider’s junior varsity game against the Barnstable Silver Bullets began with an offensive explosion and ended with a decisive 28-6 victory. Hingham started out on defense with Liam Collins blowing up the Bullet’s play and recovering a fumble in the backfield. Wingback Drew Kenn capitalized on the following offensive play by cutting back up the middle for a 31 yard run into the end zone. Wingback Grant Vanzura swept right to beat the Bullet’s defense and seal the 2-point conversion. Barnstable soon answered with a touchdown of their own and the game was on, but Middle Linebacker Jack Donohue shut down the 2-point conversion.

The Raiders answered with another solid offensive charge. Fullback Dominic Balonis, wingbacks Kenn and Vanzura all picked up first downs. Deep in Hingham territory quarterback Ethan Gordon completed a pass to Tight End Charlie Noering for the TD and the half ended with the Raiders up 14-6.

Great offensive work continued in the second half with cornerback Connor Stanley intercepting Barnstable’s pass and running it down the sideline for a 15 yard gain. QB Gordon got off another bullet to Noering who ran it 25 yards for Hingham’s third touchdown. Wingback Kenn shucked and jived through the Bullet’s defense for the 2-point conversion. The Raider’s temperature climbed to 22.

Back on defense, tackle Jacob Nolan, linebacker Robbie Driscoll and nose guard Balonis held strong on the next Barnstable possession. On the punt return Connor Stanley ran the ball down the field to set up yet another successful drive. After successive advances QB Gordon pulled a sweet counter play to get the ball to Kenn. With great blocking by Tight End Will Griffin, Kenn ran it in for a TD from the 25 yard line.  Hingham was denied the conversion at the 1 yard line. Wrapping up the fourth quarter in style, Connor Patten made the tackle on the kickoff. Next it was Cooper Estes, Driscoll and Noering sacking Barnstable’s quarterback.  Also on Hingham’s lineup were Luca Milano, Jake Steele, Tommy Wilk, Griffin Cusack, Nolan Heggie, Max Johnson, Conor Patten, Nick Johannes and Brian Shannon. Next week the JV takes on Duxbury.

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Varsity vs. Hanover, 9.16.12

by Sarah Flaherty

September 16, Hanover High School, Hanover:

Sunday’s 4th grade Raiders varsity game against the Hanover Indians was another clash of the titans. Hanover prevailed for a final score of 8-0. The first half was a story of gritty defensive work on both sides. Twice Hanover moved the ball inside Hingham’s 15 yard line, only to be shut down by the Raiders.  Defensive ends John O’Connor and Ari Kraan and Cornerbacks Charlie Crean and Cameron Reagan kept the powerful Hanover offense contained and in check all day.  Nose guard Reid Roberts added a strong push from the nose tackle position disrupting Hanover’s timing and interior runs. The first half ended in a deadlock 0-0.

The second half saw some hard hits and more defensive highlights. After Connor Stanley’s kickoff was caught by Hanover, Jack Donohue made an impressive tackle to stop Hanover ball carrier. Minutes later linebacker Macdara Flaherty and Ari  Kraan stripped the Hanover ball carrier with Hingham recovering the fumble.  However, Hingham’s offense struggled all day to be consistent and was unable to capitalize on the turnover.  Hanover scored late in the 4th quarter after recovering a Hingham fumble on the 5 yard line and punching it in the endzone for the winning score.

On the Hingham lineup for both offense and defense were Cam Reagan, Michael Rizzo, John O’Connor, Reid Roberts, Cooper Estes, Liam Collins, Macdara Flaherty, Nick Johannes, Ian McCarron, Ari Kraan, Will Griffin, Connor Stanley, Dominic Balonis, Ryan Devine, Drew Kenn, Charlie Crean, Nolan Heggie and Jack Donohue.

Coach Sean Reagan commented after the game, “Hanover is an excellent 4th grade football team.  Defensively we played super football today. Offensively we did not sustain our blocks and you can’t win football games if you don’t block well. But it’s a good lesson to learn early in the season because we can see where we need to improve to be a better team.” Next week the Raiders take on Barnstable.

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JV vs. Hanover, 9.15.12

by Sarah Flaherty

September 15, Lynch Field, Hingham:

The Hingham 4th grade Raiders opened the junior varsity season with a hard fought loss to the Hanover Indians 12-6. Hingham fielded an impressive list of young athletes who played both offensive and defensive positions with great gusto. On the field were Jack Donohue, Luke Milano, Charlie Noering, Nick Johannes, Ethan Gordon, Robbie Driscoll, Dominic Balonis, Nolan Heggie, Cooper Estes, Tommy Wilk, Grant Vanzura, Drew Kenn, Connor Stanley, Jake Steele, Jacob Nolan, Brian Shannon, Griffin Cusack, Ryan Devine, Conor Patten and Max Johnson.

Hanover scored early in a first half plagued by penalties but Hingham’s defense proved to be an offensive force in its own right.  Following Hanover’s second TD on a kickoff return to open the second half, the Raiders defense dug in. Corner back Tommy Wilk thwarted the 2 point conversion and the game was on.  Corner back Ethan Gordon, just back from a broken wrist, broke up a pass and followed up with a key tackle to halt Hanover’s charge.  Denfensive Ends Drew Kenn and Dominic Balonis kept pressure on the Hanover offense all day.  Midway through the fourth quarter, Linebacker Jack Donohue recovered a fumble that would set up Hingham’s scoring opportunity.  On offense, the Raiders played much better in the second half.  Wing back Drew Kenn made a great 20 yard run for a key first down. Quarterback Nick Johannes ran it down 15 yards and the offensive line’s next surge brought the ball to 1st and goal. On the next play, Fullback Dominic Balonis powered it in for the touchdown.

On Hanover’s next drive, line backer Cooper Estes recovered a fumble with 2 minutes left in the game. This was followed by great offensive plays with quarterbacks Ethan Gordon and Nick Johannes each completing passes to tight end Charlie Noering. The clock ran down with the ball on Hingham’s 12 yard line.  Coach Sean Reagan summed up the game, “We saw great improvement in the second half on both sides of the ball.  We just ran out of time on our last drive.  The team demonstrated an ability to come from behind and that takes great heart.  For many of these kids it was their first live action in a football game.  We are looking forward to a very exciting season for these boys.”

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Varsity vs. Middleboro, 9.9.12

by Sarah Flaherty

September 9, Lynch Field, Hingham:

Under overcast skies the Hingham 4th grade Raiders opened their season with a 6-0 victory over the Middleboro Cougars. The Raiders and Cougars battled it out for almost four scoreless quarters until Ari Kraan pounded the ball into the endzone with 9 seconds left. Coach Sean Reagan summed it up, “That came down to some pressure football. The offensive unit showed unbelievable composure and discipline. Our boys played as a team against a strong opponent and no one quit. Both teams played well but we just outlasted them.”

In the first quarter Charlie Crean made a crucial conversion by getting to the outside and turning on his jets. A strong offensive line on the part of Liam Collins, Drew Kenn, Nick Johannes, Michael Rizzo, Cooper Estes and Will Griffin controlled the line of scrimmage and created the space to get the job done. This was followed by a 50 yard run by Ian McCarron who danced his way to the 6 yard line. But early glory eluded the Raiders as yellow flags rained down to halt their drive.

Strong defensive work in the second quarter held the Cougars off and put the Raiders back on the offensive. Quarterback Cameron Reagan wheeled and dealed with a mixture of passes, hand offs and runs. Another 50 yard dash by McCarron was called back for a blocking penalty. The play reversed again and strong defensive line work by Macdara Flaherty, Nolan Heggie, John O’Connor, and Reid Roberts was bolstered by clutch tackles by Crean and Reagan. But still the half ended with no score on the board.

The highlight of the half-time show was an appearance by the Raiders Cheerleaders who rocked the field with rousing rendition of “Let’s Go!” Then it was time for kicker Connor Stanley to begin the second half. Cooper Estes made a key tackle to shut the Cougars down and turn the ball back to Hingham. Ryan Devine recovered a fumble to salvage the charge, but again the Raiders were denied the goal.

As the play moved into the fourth quarter the defense stepped up their intensity. Kraan put great pressure on the Cougars’ quarterback forcing incompletions and broken plays. Liam Collins made a key tackle and the line held. This set the stage for the Raider’s final charge. It was 4 h and 8 when McCarron used his sweet feet to earn a crucial 1st down. Then Crean broke a tackle for another 5 yard advance. On 2nd and 5, Reagan broke through several tackles and cut inside for a 20 yard run to the 14 yard line. Solid defensive work by the Cougars thwarted the next two attempts. Then at 4 th down and 2 with 9 seconds on the clock the offensive line created a wedge and Kraan ran it up the middle for the TD.

After the win, Coaches Sean Reagan, Al Rizzo, Joe Cusack, Paul O’Connor, Rick Johannes and Mike Griffin congratulated the team on their fight-to-the-end spirit. It was a great way to start the season as the team prepares for its matchup against Hanover next weekend.

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Pre-Season Scrimmage vs. Marshfield, 8.23.12

A few shots of our pre-season scrimmage under the lights! (click on any image to activate the photo gallery)