Varsity vs. Bridgewater, 10.13.12

by Sarah Flaherty

4th Grade Varsity Raiders Top Bridgewater 6-0

The Hingham Raiders 4th Grade Varsity prevailed with a 6-0 win over the Bridgewater Badgers in a close game.  Hingham dominated on both offense and defense displaying a model game of teamwork and grit.  A bruised Ari Kraan put in a marquis performance playing both ways and seemingly in on most key plays of the game.

Hingham’s first offensive charge featured a series of successful conversions when quarterback Nick Johannes handed off to Cam Reagan for a 36 yard run into the end zone. The touchdown was made possible by sustained blocks by the offensive line. The team was equally strong on defense with several tackles hosted by the lineup of Charlie Crean, Michael Rizzo, Ari Kraan, Nolan Heggie, Macdara Flaherty, Ian McCarron and Will Griffin.

The Badgers mounted a surge in the 3rd quarter with two successive conversions. As the Badgers moved deeper into Hingham territory defensive linemen Heggie, Griffin and Flaherty stuffed the Badger’s play. A key tackle by corner back McCarron further stalled the charge and was followed up by Kraan’s sack to force a turnover on downs as the clock ran out on the 3rd quarter. Hingham’s defense had shut down the Badger’s strongest charge of the game.

The 4th quarter was controlled by the Hingham’s offensive line of Liam Collins, Cam Reagan, Ryan Devine, Ari Kraan, John O’Connor and Jake Steele.  Running backs Kraan and Reagan both made impressive 15 yard runs, with Kraan straight arming an unsuspecting Badger’s linebacker for a 1st down conversion.   A fourth down punt was recovered by center Devine, buying Hingham another set of downs. When the Badgers finally regained the ball, Hingham’s defense pushed them even further into Bridegwater territory. Corner back Crean made a key tackle on 4th down to bring the ball back to Hingham for the final seconds of the game. Next week the Raiders play Scituate.

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