Varsity vs. Marshfield, 9.30.12


by Sarah Flaherty

Hingham 4th Grade Raiders Defeat Marshfield Rams 6-0

The Hingham 4th grade Raiders were fired up to play football on Sunday September 30, defeating the Marshfield Rams 6-0. The first quarter got off to a rocky start with both teams adjusting to the wet conditions. On Marshfield’s first drive they worked the ball down to Hingham’s 10 yard line but the Raiders defensive front of Charlie Crean, Ari Kraan, Cam Reagan, Nolan Heggie, John O’Connor, Will Griffin, Reid Roberts, Ryan Devine, Ian McCarron, Grant Vanzura, Michael Rizzo and Liam Collins shut down the charge. Defensive end, Ari Kraan recovered a fumble on a 3rd down run to bring the ball back to the Raiders.

Hingham’s offensive line found its stride in the second quarter, working their way back from deep in Hingham territory. Solid offensive blocking created the space for running back Cam Reagan to work the sidelines and fullback Ari Kraan to run it up the middle for a succession of conversions. Marshfield’s defense dug in inside their 10 yard line. With 4th down and inches to go, Hingham’s offensive surge allowed Kraan to score the game’s only TD.

Soggy conditions did not dampen the spirits of the Raiders cheerleading squad who took the field for the half-time show featuring, “Show How You Do It.” The third quarter was marked by fumbles and penalties on both sides as the drizzle resumed. But defense contained the damage with key tackles by defensive tackle Nolan Heggie, nose guard Reid Roberts, and linebacker John O’Connor.

In the 4th quarter Hingham’s defense stayed tough with great tackles by safety Grant Vanzura, defensive tackle Ryan Devine and corner back Ian McCarron stopping Marshfield’s advance at Hingham’s 12 yard line. On 4th and goal, Hingham’s Cam Reagan shot in from his cornerback position to make a solo tackle and end Marshfield’s threat.



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