Varsity vs. Hanover, 9.16.12

by Sarah Flaherty

September 16, Hanover High School, Hanover:

Sunday’s 4th grade Raiders varsity game against the Hanover Indians was another clash of the titans. Hanover prevailed for a final score of 8-0. The first half was a story of gritty defensive work on both sides. Twice Hanover moved the ball inside Hingham’s 15 yard line, only to be shut down by the Raiders.  Defensive ends John O’Connor and Ari Kraan and Cornerbacks Charlie Crean and Cameron Reagan kept the powerful Hanover offense contained and in check all day.  Nose guard Reid Roberts added a strong push from the nose tackle position disrupting Hanover’s timing and interior runs. The first half ended in a deadlock 0-0.

The second half saw some hard hits and more defensive highlights. After Connor Stanley’s kickoff was caught by Hanover, Jack Donohue made an impressive tackle to stop Hanover ball carrier. Minutes later linebacker Macdara Flaherty and Ari  Kraan stripped the Hanover ball carrier with Hingham recovering the fumble.  However, Hingham’s offense struggled all day to be consistent and was unable to capitalize on the turnover.  Hanover scored late in the 4th quarter after recovering a Hingham fumble on the 5 yard line and punching it in the endzone for the winning score.

On the Hingham lineup for both offense and defense were Cam Reagan, Michael Rizzo, John O’Connor, Reid Roberts, Cooper Estes, Liam Collins, Macdara Flaherty, Nick Johannes, Ian McCarron, Ari Kraan, Will Griffin, Connor Stanley, Dominic Balonis, Ryan Devine, Drew Kenn, Charlie Crean, Nolan Heggie and Jack Donohue.

Coach Sean Reagan commented after the game, “Hanover is an excellent 4th grade football team.  Defensively we played super football today. Offensively we did not sustain our blocks and you can’t win football games if you don’t block well. But it’s a good lesson to learn early in the season because we can see where we need to improve to be a better team.” Next week the Raiders take on Barnstable.

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