Varsity vs. Barnstable, 9.22.12

by Sarah Flaherty

Hingham’s 4th Grade Ties Barnstable 0-0:

The 0-0 score of Sunday’s fourth grade varsity game against the Barnstable Silver Bullets belied a most exciting battle with both teams coming within their 10 yard line, only to be denied. Hingham’s final drive in the game’s last four minutes was an impressive 94 yard march with surgical precision to Barnstable’s doorstep. Marked by man-style blocking, the offensive line of John O’Connor, Mike Rizzo, Macdara Flaherty, Ryan Devine, Ian McCarron, Reid Roberts, Nolan Heggie and Cooper Estes created the holes for several sweeps by RB Cam Reagan and wedge carries by fullback Ari Kraan.  On Barnstable’s final offensive play, Reagan intercepted a pass and ran it all the way back to Hingham’s 2 yard line when time ran out. Assistant Coach Rick Johannes summed it up, “Barnstable was inside our 10 and we stuffed them. All we need is 4 quarters of that instead of 4 minutes.”

The first half of the game was a defensive battle waged between the teams’ 35 yard lines. Most of the drives ended with turnovers on downs. Great tackling by John O’Connor, Cam Reagan, Ari Kraan, Will Griffin, Michael Rizzo, Reid Roberts and Nick Johannes contained Barnstable’s offensive line. In the second half, Barnstable’s offense stepped it up and began a steady march that would take them to Hingham’s 6 yard line. A fumbled ball at the 6 yard was recovered by defensive end Kraan to set up Hingham’s final offensive counter attack.

On the Hingham lineup for both offense and defense were Charlie Crean, Nolan Heggie, Macdara Flaherty, Jack Donohue, Ryan Devine, John O’Connor, Reid Roberts, Cooper Estes, Dominic Balonis, Cam Reagan, Michael Rizzo, Liam Collins, Ari Kraan, Ian McCarron, Nick Johannes, Drew Kenn, Will Griffin and Connor Stanley.

After the game Coach Sean Reagan told the team, “That last march was incredibly impressive and we outworked Barnstable. But we still have a lot of work to do offensively. Defensively we played great but offensively we need to be more consistent.” Next week the Hingham Raiders face Marshfield at HHS.

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