Varsity vs. Middleboro, 9.9.12

by Sarah Flaherty

September 9, Lynch Field, Hingham:

Under overcast skies the Hingham 4th grade Raiders opened their season with a 6-0 victory over the Middleboro Cougars. The Raiders and Cougars battled it out for almost four scoreless quarters until Ari Kraan pounded the ball into the endzone with 9 seconds left. Coach Sean Reagan summed it up, “That came down to some pressure football. The offensive unit showed unbelievable composure and discipline. Our boys played as a team against a strong opponent and no one quit. Both teams played well but we just outlasted them.”

In the first quarter Charlie Crean made a crucial conversion by getting to the outside and turning on his jets. A strong offensive line on the part of Liam Collins, Drew Kenn, Nick Johannes, Michael Rizzo, Cooper Estes and Will Griffin controlled the line of scrimmage and created the space to get the job done. This was followed by a 50 yard run by Ian McCarron who danced his way to the 6 yard line. But early glory eluded the Raiders as yellow flags rained down to halt their drive.

Strong defensive work in the second quarter held the Cougars off and put the Raiders back on the offensive. Quarterback Cameron Reagan wheeled and dealed with a mixture of passes, hand offs and runs. Another 50 yard dash by McCarron was called back for a blocking penalty. The play reversed again and strong defensive line work by Macdara Flaherty, Nolan Heggie, John O’Connor, and Reid Roberts was bolstered by clutch tackles by Crean and Reagan. But still the half ended with no score on the board.

The highlight of the half-time show was an appearance by the Raiders Cheerleaders who rocked the field with rousing rendition of “Let’s Go!” Then it was time for kicker Connor Stanley to begin the second half. Cooper Estes made a key tackle to shut the Cougars down and turn the ball back to Hingham. Ryan Devine recovered a fumble to salvage the charge, but again the Raiders were denied the goal.

As the play moved into the fourth quarter the defense stepped up their intensity. Kraan put great pressure on the Cougars’ quarterback forcing incompletions and broken plays. Liam Collins made a key tackle and the line held. This set the stage for the Raider’s final charge. It was 4 h and 8 when McCarron used his sweet feet to earn a crucial 1st down. Then Crean broke a tackle for another 5 yard advance. On 2nd and 5, Reagan broke through several tackles and cut inside for a 20 yard run to the 14 yard line. Solid defensive work by the Cougars thwarted the next two attempts. Then at 4 th down and 2 with 9 seconds on the clock the offensive line created a wedge and Kraan ran it up the middle for the TD.

After the win, Coaches Sean Reagan, Al Rizzo, Joe Cusack, Paul O’Connor, Rick Johannes and Mike Griffin congratulated the team on their fight-to-the-end spirit. It was a great way to start the season as the team prepares for its matchup against Hanover next weekend.

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